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Tha Caithream na Cruinne a’ toirt thaic do dh’òigridh a bhith a’ dèanamh òrain Ghàidhlig ùr mu nàdar ’s àrainneachd. Thairis 2020 is 2021, rinn 7 com-pàirtichean òrain ùr, le stiùir is taic bho Mhàiri Anna NicUalraig agus Eòghann MacEunraig. Aig a’ chuirm seo, cluinnibh an òigridh a’ seinn an cuid òrain air an àrd-ùrlar airson a’ chiad uair, cuide ri Màiri Anna NicUalraig agus Fionnlagh Wells.
Tha am pròiseact na chom-pàirteachas eadar Fèis Rois agus NàdarAlba. Bidh fios is faclan nan òran ri fhaighinn air làrach lìn Fèis Rois bhon 14mh den Dàmhair.

Caithream na Cruinne is a collaborative project between Fèis Rois and NatureScot that mentors young people to write new Gaelic songs inspired by nature and environmental issues. Over 2020 – 21, 7 participants wrote new songs with support from Mary Ann Kennedy and Ewen Henderson. Hear the young people perform their songs for the first time on stage, together with Mary Ann Kennedy and Finlay Wells, at this special one-hour lunchtime concert.
A digital song book will be available on the Fèis Rois website from Friday 14th of October.

Prìomh thachartas / Premier event
£5, under 12s free

To see what else is on during Mòd Pheairt / Perth 2022 click here for our full event page.

Other Info
Mon 17 Oct 2022: 13:00
St Matthew's Church