We offer a range of weekly classes in both drama and music for children and young people. Participants have the opportunity to work alongside professional theatre makers and musicians to create their own work. We provide a safe and enriching space where everyone is welcome.  

Little Stars Fun and creative workshops for 0-5 year olds and their parents. Explore through sensory play in drama, dance and music. Little Stars will return in the future.  

Perth Youth Theatre – Weekly drama classes for 5-18 year olds exploring creativity through a range of drama styles, genres and techniques.  

Perth Youth Voices – Singing classes for young people aged 5-18 years old. Work alongside professional musicians to learn musical and creative skills. 

Masterclasses One-off workshops focusing on developing skills or exploring a particular theme.  

Gordon Duncan Experience – traditional music workshops where 14-21 year olds work alongside established musicians to explore composition and performance.  

Perth Youth Theatre: Summer School P1-7

Join us in July for this year's Perth Youth Theatre Summer School.

Perth Youth Theatre: Summer School S1-6

Join us in July for this year's Perth Youth Theatre Summer School.

Perth Youth Theatre (P1-3) 2023/24

Perth Youth Theatre P1-3 will discover different ways for telling stories by creating their own characters and brainstorming imaginative adventures.

Perth Youth Theatre (P4-7) 2023/24

Perth Youth Theatre P4-7 will discover different ways for telling stories by creating their own characters and brainstorming imaginative adventures.

Perth Youth Theatre (S1-3) 2023/24

Young people will explore their own creative ideas as a starting point for making theatre.

Perth Youth Theatre (S4-6) 2023/24

Young people will explore their own creative ideas as a starting point for making theatre.

Perth Youth Voices P1-7 2023/24

If you love to sing, Perth Youth Voices could be for you! Explore and develop music-making skills with professional music tutors.

Perth Youth Voices S1-6 2023/24

If you love to sing, Perth Youth Voices could be for you! Explore and develop music-making skills with professional music tutors.

PYT Mainstage 2023/24

Whether you’re interested in performing, directing, designing or contributing backstage, join our ensemble and work with a professional director in creating a production for public performance.