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Cuirm Crìochnachaidh a’ Mhòid, le Trail West / Mòd Grand Finale with Trail West

Thigibh còmhla airson cuirm crìochnachaidh a’ Mhòid ann an Talla Chonsairt Pheairt le fear de na còmhlain as cliùitich ann an Alba, Trail West. Ann an 2020, chomharraich an t-sianar 10 bliadhna de shoirbheachas mar chòmhlan, agus chuir iad crìoch air an ceathramh clàr aca, ‘Countless Isles and Endless Miles.’ Le ceanglaichean ri Tiriodh agus Uibhist a Deas, agus le measgachadh de giotàr dealain, seinn, am bocsa agus an fheadag, feuch nach caill sibh oidhche air leth an uair a bhios am Mòd a’ tighinn gu crìoch airson bliadhna eile. Sa mhòr chuid 's e suidheachain san stoidhle tèatar a bhios ri fhaighinn aig an tachartas seo le beagan rùm ann airson dannsa.

Celebrate the grand finale of the Mòd in Perth Concert Hall with one of Scotland’s biggest traditional bands, Trail West. 2020 saw the six-piece outfit commemorate 10 years of success before going on to release their fourth album, ‘Countless Isles and Endless Miles.’ With ties to Tiree and South Uist, and a mixture of electric guitar, vocals, and the recognisable accordion and whistle combination of Seonaidh MacIntyre and Ian Smith, it’s sure to be an unmissable night as the Mòd comes to a close for another year. This event will be majority theatre-style seating with limited room for dancing.

Prìomh thachartas / Premier event
Gun bhallrachd/Non Members £17.50 (inc £2.50 booking fee per ticket); Buill/Members £8; Clann/Young Scot/Under 16s £5
*Thoiribh an aire – AON ticead a-mhàin ceadaichte do gach ball airson gach tachartais
*Please note – only ONE ticket per member permitted for each event.

To see what else is on during Mòd Pheairt / Perth 2022 click here for our full event page.

Other Info
Fri 21 Oct 2022: 21:00
Perth Concert Hall