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Cuireadh a thighinn gu feasgar neo-fhoirmeil de Cheòl Soisgeulach Cheilteach, an t-seinneadair/sgrìobhadair òrain ainmeil Norrie ‘Tago’ MacÌomhair, còisirean Gàidhlig ionadail agus an t-seinneadair Anna Bennett. Eaglais Naomh Mata, 7om, An-asgaidh.

An invitation to come along and enjoy an informal evening of Celtic Praise, featuring renowned Gaelic singer/songwriter Norrie ‘Tago’ MacIver, combined local Gaelic choirs and soloist Anne Bennett in St Matthews Church Sanctuary at 7pm.

FREE but ticketed

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Sun 16 Oct 2022: 19:00
St Matthew's Church