Content Tabs:
Sally and Destiny are 'Challenge Enthusiasts' and are embarking on their biggest challenge yet - The Marshmallow Challenge! Can they resist eating one marshmallow to then be rewarded with two marshmallows? Sally and Destiny can resist nearly everything except temptation, which takes them on an emotional rollercoaster ride!

BOUNCE is a clown theatre show exploring emotions and resilience. Developed with four Primary Schools in 2019, the children and artists explored emotions, what they look and sound like, and what to do when feelings feel too big. BOUNCE is an engaging and funny performance that is truly tailor made for Primary aged children.

BOUNCE is performed by Dirliebane Theatre Company artistic directors, Fiona Ferrier and Rachel Colles.

£7.50 (no concessions)

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Other Info
Sat 23 Oct 2021: 11:00
Perth Theatre
Sat 23 Oct 2021: 15:00
Perth Theatre