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Ar Cànan ’s Ar Ceòl / Our Language Our Music

Deagh thaisbeanadh den chultar Gàidhlig agus ceòl traidiseanta a tha cho soirbheachail ann an Siorrachd Pheairt.

Le Mairead Bennett, Ross Ainslie agus Ali Hutton, Patsy Reid, Pete Clark, Còisir Gàidhlig Pheairt, an Gordon Duncan Experience, Fìdhlearan Òga Taobh Tatha, Comunn srath spè & ruidhle Siorrachd Dhùn Chaillean agus barrachd, is cinnteach gum bi a’ chuirm-chiùil seo a’ cur fàilte mhòr air a’ Mhòd ann am Peairt a-rithist.

A’ dearbhadh gu bheil cultar agus ceòl luachmhor Pheairt sàbhailte, tha a’ chuirm-chiùil seo làn sheinneadairean agus luchd-ciùil ainmeil a choisinn cliù airson Pheairt, a thuilleadh air an t-uabhas bhuidhnean coimhearsnachd agus bhuidhnean foghlaim a tha ag obair gu cruaidh is dealasach, a’ brosnachadh òigridh agus a’ cur chùisean air dòigh airson nan ginealaichean ri teachd a tha dèidheil air ceòl, luchd-ciùil, agus seanchaidhean. Le cluicheadairean ionadail nan ionnsramaidean teudach a chaidh an taghadh gu sònraichte, agus còmhlan anns a bheil Ali Hutton, Jenn Butterworth, Ross Ainslie agus Mhairi Hall, thigibh ann airson oidhche a bhios làn ceòl agus òrain Ghàidhlig.

A showcase of the thriving Gaelic culture and traditional music that Perthshire has to offer.

Featuring Margaret Bennett, Ross Ainslie and Ali Hutton’s Symbiosis, Patsy Reid, Pete Clark, Perth Gaelic Choir, The Gordon Duncan Experience, The Tayside Young Fiddlers, Dunkeld & District Strathspey & Reel Society and more, this concert is sure to welcome the Mòd back to Perth with a bang.

Proof indeed that Perthshire’s precious music and culture is in safe hands, this concert is a double-sided celebration of the many well known musicians and singers who put Perth on the map, as well as the many community and educational groups who work tirelessly with passion and enthusiasm, igniting sparks in the young and lighting the way for future generations of music lovers, performers and tradition bearers.

With a hand-picked local string section, all-star house band including Ali Hutton, Jenn Butterworth, Ross Ainslie and Mhairi Hall, come share and revel in what is sure to be a night of high quality, Gaelic music and song.

Prìomh thachartas / Premier event
Gun bhallrachd/Non Members £17.50 (inc £2.50 booking fee per ticket); Buill/Members £8; Clann/Young Scot/Under 16s £5
*Thoiribh an aire – AON ticead a-mhàin ceadaichte do gach ball airson gach tachartais
*Please note – only ONE ticket per member permitted for each event.

To see what else is on during Mòd Pheairt / Perth 2022 click here for our full event page.

Other Info
Sat 15 Oct 2022: 19:30
Perth Concert Hall